Learn how to access and read your California driving record and understand the meaning of each vehicle code violation on your record and how many points they add to it.

Are you curious about what your California driver’s record shows? Are you eager to learn how to read a driving record? California driving records can be a little confusing. You may wonder, for example, what a vehicle code violation is on your record or what it means to your insurance rates. You have a right to see your California driver history report. The good news is that you can access your California MVR (motor vehicle record) online and in person.

To find out the meaning of each code, see the charts below, organized by the number of points they add to your record. Your insurance rates may be affected by violations your insurance company sees on your driving record.

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Shivani Gite
Contributing Writer
Shivani Gite is a personal finance and insurance writer with a degree in journalism and mass communication. She is passionate about making insurance topics easy to understand for people and helping them make better financial decisions. When not writing, you can find her reading a book or watching anime.
Reviewed by:
Laura Longero
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Executive Editor
Laura is an award-winning editor with experience in content and communications covering auto insurance and personal finance. She has written for several media outlets, including the USA Today Network. She most recently worked in the public sector for the Nevada Department of Transportation.
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What is a California driving record?

Your driving record in California serves as a comprehensive account of your driving history, including any traffic violations or accidents, DUI convictions and other infractions.

“Your California driving record is a meticulous document listing all accidents, traffic violations, suspensions, etc.,” says attorney Jonathan Feniak, who adds that your record can include special codes (explained below). “To understand this record, you also need to know what every abbreviated code listed in your record means.”

Your record also shows any corresponding points accumulated. Points are tallied on your California DMV record whenever you receive a citation for speeding or engaging in other prohibited actions while driving. Accumulating a certain number of points on your DMV record can lead to the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license.

The severity of the offense determines the points assigned; for instance, a speeding ticket may warrant only one point, whereas a DUI conviction could result in six points.

According to Janet Ruiz, director of Strategic Communications for the Insurance Information Institute, it’s smart to check your California driving record when in doubt.

“It may be important when applying for a job. Your driving record will also be considered when you apply for auto insurance and the carrier determines your premium,” Ruiz says.

How do you check your California driving record online?

To access your California driving record, complete an online driver’s record request and print it out if you want a hard copy. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Ensure that your printer is powered on and prepared; you will have a single chance to print your record after completing the payment.
  2. Be ready to establish an online account if you haven’t done so.
  3. Pay the required $2 fee.
  4. All credit/debit card transactions incur an extra 1.95% payment processing fee. However, no additional fees apply if you pay directly from your bank account.

How can you get your driving record in person?

Alternatively, you can retrieve your California driving record in person at your local DMV office. Here’s what’s involved:

  1. Fill out the following form: Request for Your Own Driver’s License/Identification Card (DL/ID) or Vehicle/ Vessel Registration (VR) Information Record (INF 1125) (you can print this out and complete it ahead of visiting the DMV). Note that requests for your driver’s or vehicle record processed in person at a DMV field office are handled on the spot, and you’ll receive the hard copy records during your visit.
  2. If you’re requesting someone else’s record(s), complete a Request for Record Information (INF 70) form. Be aware that requests for someone else’s driver’s or vehicle record made in person at a DMV field office are sent to DMV headquarters for processing. Upon approval, DMV will dispatch the record(s) to you.
  3. Pay a mandatory $5 fee for an in-person record request.

You can also request your driving record by phoning (916) 657-8098. Or, you can request it via mail by following the same three steps above and then mailing your completed form and $5 to:

DMV Information Release Unit

MS G199

PO Box 944247

Sacramento, CA 94244-2470

California DMV driving record codes

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How did you get your California driving record?
  • COURT – Courthouse Number
  • DL/NO – Driver’s License Number
  • B/D – Birth Date
  • RES ADD – Residential Address
  • HT – Height
  • WT – Weight
  • LIC/ISS – License Issued
  • EXP – Expires
  • VIOL/DT – Violation Date
  • SEC/VIOL – Section Violated
  • DKT/NO – Docket Number
  • VEH/LIC – Vehicle License

One-point California vehicle code violations

Code and Section Violation
VEH 2800Disobedience to a traffic officer
VEH 2800.1Evading peace officer
VEH 2801Disobedience to a fire official
VEH 2803, 2803a, 2803b, 2803cUnsafe vehicle load
VEH 2815Disregarding non-student crossing guard
VEH 2816Youth bus/children crossing highway
VEH 2817Disregarding funeral escort officer
VEH 2818Crossing safety flares/cones
VEH 14601.5Driving, suspended/revoked for refusing a test
VEH 14603Violation of license restrictions
VEH 21100.3Disregarding traffic officer’s directions
VEH 21209, 21209aDriving in a bicycle lane
VEH 21367, 21367a, 21367b, 21367cDisobedience to traffic signs/controller
VEH 21451, 21451a, 21451bIllegal movement/green light/arrow
VEH 21452, 21452aIllegal movement/yellow light/arrow
VEH 21453, 21453a, 21453b, 21453cIllegal movement/red/light/arrow
VEH 21454, 21454a – d, 21455Traffic signals
VEH 21457, 21457a, 21457bDisobedience to flashing signals
VEH 21460a, 21460bDouble lines/one broken line
VEH 21460.5cUse of a two-way left turn lane
VEH 21461, 21461a, 21462Disobedience to a traffic control device
VEH 21650, 21650a – fKeep right
VEH 21651, 21651aCrossing divided highway
VEH 21652Entering a highway from a service road
VEH 21654, 21654a, 21654b, 21655, 21655bLane use/slow-moving vehicle
VEH 21655.8Diamond lane/entering/exiting
VEH 21656 – 21662, 21662a, 21662bImproper lane use
VEH 21663Driving on sidewalk
VEH 21664Freeway ramp/entering/exiting
VEH 21700Load obstructing a driver’s view
VEH 21701Interfering with a driver’s control of a vehicle
VEH 21702, 21702a, 21702bDriving hours limitation
VEH 21703, 21704, 21704a, 21705, 21706Following too closely
VEH 21707Driving in a fire area
VEH 21709Driving in a safety zone
VEH 21711Towed vehicle swerving
VEH 21712, 21712a, 21712d, 21712f, 21715, 21715a, 21715bUnlawful riding/towing
VEH 21717Turning across a bicycle lane
VEH 21750 – 21757, 21758, 21759Illegal passing
VEH 21800 – 21804, 21804a, 21804bRight-of-way
VEH 21805, 21805bYielding right-of-way to a horseback rider
VEH 21806, 21806aYielding right-of-way to emergency vehicle
VEH 21807Unsafe operation of emergency vehicle
VEH 21950, 21950a, 21951, 21952Yielding right-of-way to a pedestrian
VEH 21954, 21954bDue care for pedestrians on a roadway
VEH 21960aProhibited use of freeway
VEH 21963Yielding right-of-way to blind pedestrian
VEH 22100 – 22105Turing and U-turns
VEH 22106Unsafe staring/backing of vehicle
VEH 22107 – 22111, 22111a, 22111b, 22111cSignaling turns and stops
VEH 22112, 22112aSchool bus signaling
VEH 22348, 22348a, 22348cSpeed/use of designated lanes
VEH 22349, 22349.5Maximum speed
VEH 22350, 22351, 22352, 22352a, 22352bBasic/prima facie speed limit
VEH 22354, 22355Exceeding posted/freeway speed limit
VEH 22356, 22356bMaximum speed 70 mph
VEH 22357, 22358.4Speed in excess of local limits
VEH 22359, 22360, 22361Speed in excess of local limits
VEH 22362Speed/construction zone
VEH 22400, 22400a, 22400bDriving too slow
VEH 22405, 22405aSpeed/bridge/tunnel
VEH 22406, 22407Maximum designated vehicle speed
VEH 22409, 22410Speed/solid/metal tires
VEH 22413Speed limit on grades
VEH 22450, 22451, 22452, 22452a, 22452bStop required/railroad crossing
VEH 22454Stop for a school bus
VEH 23103, 23103a,23103 bReckless driving
VEH 23104, 23104aReckless driving/causing bodily injury
VEH 23109, 23109b, 23109dSpeed contest/aiding or abetting
VEH 23116, 23116aTransporting person in truckload space
VEH 23123, 23123.5Holding or operating a Cellphone
VEH 23127Driving on trails and paths
VEH 23140, 23140a, 23140bMinor driving with a BAC of 0.05% or more
VEH 23152, 23152a-dDUI/alcoholic beverage or drugs
VEH 23153, 23153a-dDUI/causing bodily injury or death
VEH 23220Drinking while driving
VEH 23222, 23222a, 23222bMarijuana or open container/driving
VEH 23235Ignition interlock verification
VEH 23244, 23244bDefeating ignition interlock device
VEH 23253Disobedience to toll highway officer
VEH 23270, 23270aUnauthorized towing
VEH 23330, 23330cWidth/load of a vehicle at a crossing
VEH 23336Disobedience to sign/vehicle crossing
VEH 24002, 24002a, 24002bUnsafe/unlawfully equipped vehicle
VEH 24004Operation after notice by officer
VEH 24250Lighting equipment
VEH 24409, 24409a, 24409bFailure to dim lights
VEH 24604Lamps/flag for extended load
VEH 25103, 25103a, 25103bLamps on projecting load
VEH 26301, 26302, 26302a, 26302b, 26302cBrakes
VEH 26303, 26304, 26304a, 26304bBrakes/combination vehicles
VEH 26307Forklift truck brakes
VEH 26311, 26311a, 26311b, 26311cAll-wheel service brakes
VEH 26456, 26457Brakes/stopping distance
VEH 26458, 26458a, 26458.5Braking system/towing vehicles
VEH 26502aAdjustment/use of air brakes
VEH 26503 – 26506, 26506a, 26507Airbrake system
VEH 26508, 26508a – c, 26508e – k, 26508oEmergency stopping system
VEH 26520, 26521, 26522Vacuum brakes
VEH 27360, 27360a – c, 27360.5, 27360a – cChild Passenger restraint
VEH 27363, 27363bChild seat belt
VEH 27800, 27801, 27801a, 27801bMotorcycle/passengers and equipment
VEH 29001, 29002Fifth wheel connecting/locking device
VEH 29003a, 29003b, 29003cHitch and coupling device
VEH 29004, 29004a – c, 29006, 29006aTowed vehicle coupling
VEH 29201Pole dolly/load and length
VEH 31301, 31301aCaldecott tunnel restrictions
VEH 31303, 31303b, 31303c, 31303eHazardous waste transportation
VEH 31402Farm labor vehicle/unsafe operation
VEH 31540, 31504bRemovable containers/regulations
VEH 31614, 31614a, 3164b, 31614d – f 31614h, 31614iExplosives transportation
VEH 32104, 32104a, 32104b, 32105, 32105a, 32105c-eInhalation hazard transportation
VEH 32106, 32106a – dInhalation hazard transportation
VEH 34102Tank vehicle regulations
VEH 34501.2, 34501a, 34501cDriving hours limitations
VEH 34506, 34506a – gDriving hours, equipment, maintenance, operation
VEH 34506.3Safety regulation violation
VEH 34509, 34509c, 34509dVanpool vehicle maintenance inspection
VEH 35784, 35784a, 35784bViolation of special permit
VEH 35784.5, 35784a, 35784bExtralegal load/weight
VEH 36400Lift-carrier/speed
VEH 36705Bale wagon load width during darkness

Two-point California vehicle code violations

Code and section Violation
VEH 2800.2, 2800.3Evading peace officer/reckless driving
VEH 14601, 14601a,14601 b, 14601.1- 14601.4Driving with a suspended/revoked license
VEH 20001, 20001a 20002, 20002a, 20002bHit and run/injury/property damage
VEH 21651bDriving wrong side/divided highway
VEH 22348bSpeed over 100 MPH
VEH 23103, 23103a,23103 bReckless driving
VEH 23104, 23104aReckless driving/causing bodily injury
VEH 23109a, 23109cSpeed contest /exhibition of speed
VEH 23140, 23140a, 23140bMinor driving with a BAC of 0.05% or more
VEH 23152, 23152a-dDUI/alcoholic beverage or drugs
VEH 23153, 23153a-dDUI/causing bodily injury or death
VEH 31602, 31602a, 31602b, 31602cExplosives transportation

Other common California code violations

Section Code Violation Points
49307 or 12059EducationDisobedience to school safety patrol1
191.5a, 192c1-192c4, 192.3c, 192.3dPenalVehicular manslaughter with gross negligence2
192c, 192.3, 192.3a, 192.3bPenalVehicular manslaughter without gross negligence1
27176Streets and highwaysSpeeding on Golden Gate Bridge1

Code of federal regulations violations

Section Violation Points
36423 or 36FR46DUI/alcoholic beverage or any drug2

For more information relating to California, see the California car insurance page.

How do you determine if you have a clean driving record in California?

You can confirm if you have a clean driving record by checking your California driving record online, in person at the DMV, by phone or by mail.

“A clean driving record in California is one without any accidents, moving violations or application of points as assigned in the California driver’s record system,” says Ruiz.

What is considered a good driving record in California?

Per Ruiz, characteristics of a clean driving record in California include:

  • 3 to 5 years without any points assigned to your license
  • 3 to 5 years without any accidents
  • 3 years without any traffic tickets or moving violations
  • 10 or more years without any major violations such as DUIs or hit-and-runs.
Laura Longero

Ask the Insurance Expert

Laura Longero

Executive Editor

Laura is an award-winning editor with experience in content and communications covering auto insurance and personal finance. She has written for several media outlets, including the USA Today Network. She most recently worked in the public sector for the Nevada Department of Transportation.

John McCormick

Ask the Insurance Expert

John McCormick

Editorial Director

John is the editorial director for CarInsurance.com, Insurance.com and Insure.com. Before joining QuinStreet, John was a deputy editor at The Wall Street Journal and had been an editor and reporter at a number of other media outlets where he covered insurance, personal finance, and technology.

Leslie Kasperowicz

Ask the Insurance Expert

Leslie Kasperowicz

Executive Editor

Leslie Kasperowicz is an insurance educator and content creation professional with nearly two decades of experience first directly in the insurance industry at Farmers Insurance and then as a writer, researcher, and educator for insurance shoppers writing for sites like ExpertInsuranceReviews.com and InsuranceHotline.com and managing content, now at CarInsurance.com.

Nupur Gambhir

Ask the Insurance Expert

Nupur Gambhir

Managing Editor

Nupur Gambhir is a content editor and licensed life, health, and disability insurance expert. She has extensive experience bringing brands to life and has built award-nominated campaigns for travel and tech. Her insurance expertise has been featured in Bloomberg News, Forbes Advisor, CNET, Fortune, Slate, Real Simple, Lifehacker, The Financial Gym, and the end-of-life planning service.

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Contributing Writer

Shivani Gite is a personal finance and insurance writer with a degree in journalism and mass communication. She is passionate about making insurance topics easy to understand for people and helping them make better financial decisions. When not writing, you can find her reading a book or watching anime.