You may have just looked away from the road for a few seconds — tuned the radio or noticed a text notification — when you see the brake lights in front of you. If you’ve been in an at-fault accident, you know how fast things can happen behind the wheel. 

Depending on your coverage, your car insurance policy should cover accident injuries and damages. However, finding cheap car insurance after an accident can be challenging. 

According to’s rate analysis, one at-fault accident claim with more than $2,000 in damages increases your car insurance rate by 53%, or $1,023 a year. Here’s what you need to know about cheap car insurance after an accident. 

Key Highlights
  • An at-fault property damage accident of $2K or more can remain on your record for three to five years, spiking your rate by 53%, on average.
  • The cheapest car insurance after an accident overall is New Jersey Manufacturers, offered to Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania residents.
  • USAA, State Farm and American Family offer the cheapest car insurance for people with accidents on their record across the United States. 
Written by:
Katrina Raenell
Contributing Researcher
Katrina Raenell is a writer, editor and educator with 20 years of experience in content and communications for international organizations, nonprofits and start-ups. In her previous roles, she was a communications manager for study abroad, content project manager for higher education and finance websites, reported on arts and culture, and was a managing editor for an online health and wellness publication.
Reviewed by:
Laura Longero
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Executive Editor
Longero is an insurance expert with more than 15 years of experience educating people about personal finance topics and helping consumers navigate the complexities of auto insurance. She writes and edits for QuinStreet’s, and Prior to joining QuinStreet, she worked as a reporter and editor at the USA Today Network.
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How can I get cheap car insurance after an accident?

The best way to pay cheap car insurance rates after an accident is to comparison shop.’s rate research shows, as outlined below, that the average driver with a recent accident can save thousands of dollars by comparing car insurance quotes. 

Insurance companies assess risk differently, so your current carrier may not be the most affordable after an accident claim. That’s why shopping around for the best price should be on your list of what to do after a car accident.

Cheap car insurance companies for accidents

Insurers consider your personal driving history, including prior moving violations and accidents when determining your car insurance premiums. They factor in claims costs, accident fault and your age and address as well. These all help determine how much you pay. 

When shopping for the cheapest car insurance companies for accidents, the type of accident, damages and bodily injury in an accident you caused affects your premiums.’s rate analysts have found the top 27 car insurance companies with the cheapest car insurance for accidents involving property damage (under and above $2,000), bodily injury and two property damage accidents over $2,000. 

The cheapest car insurance company with an accident is New Jersey Manufacturers — providing services to Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, and Pennsylvania residents. The cheapest insurance company offering nationwide services is State Farm. USAA is the most affordable for military servicemembers and their families.

See the list below for other nationwide car insurance companies’ rates for full coverage with 100/300/100 liability limits and $500 deductibles. Finding the cheapest car insurance can often be found by comparison shopping at least three quotes. 

Cheap car insurance companies for accidents
Company Property damage under $2,000 Property damage over $2,000 Bodily injury Two property damage accidents over $2,000
American Family$2,119$2,109$2,140$2,853
Auto Club Entreprises (AAA)$3,495$3,486$3,554$6,322
Automobile Club of MI (AAA)$3,481$3,481$3,481$6,288
Chubb Ltd$3,532$3,532$3,532$4,617
CSAA (AAA)$4,157$4,157$5,733$7,034
Erie Insurance$1,807$1,741$1,839$2,423
Iowa Farm Bureau$3,554$3,554$3,554$4,105
Island Insurance$2,283$2,283$2,283$6,985
Kemper Insurance$4,272$4,225$4,326$5,854
Kentucky Farm Bureau$3,123$3,123$3,123$3,123
Mercury Insurance$3,882$3,861$3,789$5,081
National General Insurance$3,900$3,822$3,925$5,785
New Jersey Manufacturers$1,421$1,421$1,421$1,983
North Carolina Farm Bureau$1,828$1,674$1,982$2,187
Oklahoma Farm Bureau$3,130$3,130$3,130$3,921
State Farm$2,087$2,073$2,188$2,491

How much does an accident raise insurance rates?

An accident typically increases your rate for at least three to five years following the claim. The amount it increases is based on specific factors such as fault, claim amount, bodily injury and how many accidents may be on your driving record. 

How much insurance goes up after an accident also varies by state. Drivers in Minnesota, California, Louisiana and Michigan get hit with the biggest increases for one at-fault accident, while those in New York, Hawaii, South Carolina and Alaska see the smallest increases, compared to the rest of the country.

At-fault accidents increase your rate by an average of 53% or $1,023 annually over the average annual rate of $1,915. Learn more about the increases you may see after an accident in the table below showing annual rates for full coverage with 100/300/100 liability limits and $500 deductibles. 

Average insurance rates increase after an accident
Accident ClaimAverage rateafter claim$ increase% increase
One at-fault property damage accident over $2,000$2,938$1,02353%
One at-fault property damage accident under $2,000$2,912$99652%
At-fault bodily injury accident$3,061$1,14660%
Two at-fault property damage accidents over $2,000$4,159$2,243117%

Car insurance rate comparison for accident claims

Finding the cheapest cheap car insurance with an accident on your record can take some work. It’s important that you compare car insurance quotes by shopping different companies. This simple process can save you hundreds, even with an accident on your record. 

Take a look at our cost comparisons by car insurance companies below for at-fault accidents involving bodily injury, those above and with less than $2,000 in damages and two accidents with damages above $2,000. 

At-fault bodily injury accident

When you’re involved in an accident with injuries, certain expenses are typically covered by your car insurance’s bodily injury liability policy. This includes medical and funeral expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering and legal fees. You may see an average rate increase of about 60% or $1,146 a year after an at-fault bodily injury accident.

The cheapest car insurance company’s average rate after a claim with an at-fault bodily injury accident is North Carolina Farm Bureau. The cheapest nationwide car insurance company is Geico, and USAA is the most affordable for military members and families. 

Find other cheap car insurance companies for at-fault bodily injury accidents in the table below, which shows annual rates for full coverage with 100/300/100 liability limits and $500 deductibles.

Company Average rate Average rate after claim $ increase % increase
American Family$1,738$2,140$40323%
Auto Club Entreprises (AAA)$2,313$3,554$1,24154%
Automobile Club of MI (AAA)$2,435$3,481$1,04643%
Chubb Ltd$2,539$3,532$99339%
CSAA (AAA)$3,015$5,733$2,71890%
Erie Insurance$1,335$1,839$50438%
Iowa Farm Bureau$2,821$3,554$73426%
Island Insurance$1,713$2,283$57033%
Kemper Insurance$2,604$4,326$1,72366%
Kentucky Farm Bureau$2,325$3,123$79834%
Mercury Insurance$2,092$3,789$1,69781%
National General Insurance$2,883$3,925$1,04236%
New Jersey Manufacturers$1,421$1,421$00%
North Carolina Farm Bureau$1,265$1,982$71657%
Oklahoma Farm Bureau$2,865$3,130$2659%
State Farm$1,672$2,188$51631%

At-fault property damage accident more than $2,000

After an accident, damages will be estimated and assessed. These include damages to your vehicle and other property. In some states, it could consist of veterinary bills if your pet is injured in a car accident. If these expenses total more than $2,000, your car insurance rate could increase after the claim by 53% or $1,023 a year on average. 

The cheapest car insurance company’s average rate after a claim for an at-fault property accident with more than $2,000 is New Jersey Manufacturers. The cheapest car insurance company offering nationwide coverage is State Farm and USAA for military, veterans and their families. 

Explore other at-fault property damage accidents’ average car insurance rates after a claim below showing annual rates for full coverage with 100/300/100 liability limits and $500 deductibles. 

Company Average rate Average rate After Claim $ increase % increase
American Family$1,738$2,119$38222%
Auto Club Entreprises (AAA)$2,313$3,495$1,18251%
Automobile Club of MI (AAA)$2,435$3,481$1,04643%
Chubb Ltd$2,539$3,532$99339%
CSAA (AAA)$3,015$4,157$1,14238%
Erie Insurance$1,335$1,807$47235%
Iowa Farm Bureau$2,821$3,554$73426%
Island Insurance$1,713$2,283$57033%
Kemper Insurance$2,604$4,272$1,66864%
Kentucky Farm Bureau$2,325$3,123$79834%
Mercury Insurance$2,092$3,882$1,79186%
National General Insurance$2,883$3,900$1,01735%
New Jersey Manufacturers$1,421$1,421$00%
North Carolina Farm Bureau$1,265$1,828$56344%
Oklahoma Farm Bureau$2,865$3,130$2659%
State Farm$1,672$2,087$41425%

At-fault property damage accident less than $2,000

Some at-fault accidents are minor fender benders. They don’t involve injuries or a lot of property damage. If your accident claim is less than $2,000, your rates might not increase as much. On average, you would see a 52% or $996 increase annually. 

The cheapest car insurance company’s average rate after an at-fault property damage accident claim that is less than $2,000 in damages is New Jersey Manufacturers. The cheapest nationwide car insurance company is State Farm after USAA, which offers the most affordable option for servicemembers and their families. 

Find other car insurance companies’ average annual rates in the table below for full coverage with 100/300/100 liability limits and $500 deductibles.  

Company Average rate Average rate after claim $ increase % increase
American Family$1,738$2,109$37121%
Auto Club Enterprises (AAA)$2,313$3,486$1,17351%
Automobile Club of MI (AAA)$2,435$3,481$1,04643%
Chubb Ltd$2,539$3,532$99339%
CSAA (AAA)$3,015$4,157$1,14238%
Erie Insurance$1,335$1,741$40630%
Iowa Farm Bureau$2,821$3,554$73426%
Island Insurance$1,713$2,283$57033%
Kemper Insurance$2,604$4,225$1,62262%
Kentucky Farm Bureau$2,325$3,123$79834%
Mercury Insurance$2,092$3,861$1,76985%
National General Insurance$2,883$3,822$93933%
New Jersey Manufacturers$1,421$1,421$00%
North Carolina Farm Bureau$1,265$1,674$40932%
Oklahoma Farm Bureau$2,865$3,130$2659%
State Farm$1,672$2,073$40124%

Two at-fault property damage accidents more than $2,000

If you’ve been involved in two significant accidents that total more than $2,000 in damages each within three to five years, you could see steep car insurance increases. 

Drivers with two at-fault property damage accident claims of more than $2,000 on their record will see an average 117% or $2,243 increase in their car insurance premiums yearly. 

The cheapest car insurance company’s average rate after a claim for two at-fault property damage accidents is New Jersey Manufacturers at $1,983. The cheapest nationwide car insurance company is State Farm. For military, veterans and their families, USAA is the most affordable option. 

See other annual rates in the table below for full coverage with 100/300/100 liability limits and $500 deductibles.

Company Average rate Average rate after a claim $ increase % increase
American Family$1,738$2,853$1,11564%
Auto Club Entreprises (AAA)$2,313$6,322$4,009173%
Automobile Club of MI (AAA)$2,435$6,288$3,853158%
Chubb Ltd$2,539$4,617$2,07882%
CSAA (AAA)$3,015$7,034$4,019133%
Erie Insurance$1,335$2,423$1,08881%
Iowa Farm Bureau$2,821$4,105$1,28446%
Island Insurance$1,713$6,985$5,272308%
Kemper Insurance$2,604$5,854$3,251125%
Kentucky Farm Bureau$2,325$3,123$79834%
Mercury Insurance$2,092$5,081$2,989143%
National General Insurance$2,883$5,785$2,902101%
New Jersey Manufacturers$1,421$1,983$56240%
North Carolina Farm Bureau$1,265$2,187$92173%
Oklahoma Farm Bureau$2,865$3,921$1,05637%
State Farm$1,672$2,491$81949%

How long until an accident is off your insurance record?

It varies by state. In some states, accidents don’t even go on your driving record or only appear if you were deemed at fault and ticketed for a traffic infraction. In other states, accidents go on your record and stay anywhere from three to five years. Contact your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles to determine if the accident will go on your record and how long it will stay there.

How long will I pay the increased rate after an accident?

After an accident, your premium likely be higher for as long as the incident is on your record. Typically this is three to five years. Other factors can impact your rates, including:

  • Car insurance company claims and assessment process 
  • The number of claims you’ve filed in the past five years 
  • Severity of violations on your record in the past five years 
  • Total cost of claims against you 

You can avoid a rate hike in some cases by purchasing accident forgiveness — a car insurance option that helps drivers with one at-fault accident on an otherwise clean driving record. Rules vary by company.

Final thoughts on cheap car insurance after an accident claim

Even the safest drivers can be involved in an at-fault accident. While this typically means your insurance rate will spike as a penalty for the incident, you can find cheap car insurance after an accident by cost-shopping and comparing rates. 

While the average rate increase after a property damage claim is 53%, it may help your rate penalty if this is your first moving violation within five years. An accident forgiveness policy add-on may also help you avoid a rent increase. 

Resources & Methodology


Harris & Harris Injury Lawyers. “What is considered property damage in a car accident?” Accessed July 2023. 

Insurance Information Institute. “Do auto insurance premiums go up after a claim?” Accessed July 2023.


The editorial team bases its reporting on data it commissioned Quadrant Information Services to gather on average auto insurance rates for more than 1,400 ZIP codes across the United States. Typically, averages are based on rates for a single, 40-year-old male, with no violations who commutes 12 miles to work each day and has a full-coverage policy with limits of 100/300/100 and a $500 deductible for collision and comprehensive coverage.

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Contributing Researcher

Katrina Raenell is a writer, editor and educator with 20 years of experience in content and communications for international organizations, nonprofits and start-ups. In her previous roles, she was a communications manager for study abroad, content project manager for higher education and finance websites, reported on arts and culture, and was a managing editor for an online health and wellness publication.